9th Grade Student/Parent Welcome Letter

Greetings students and parents!  I am excited about the opportunity to teach the 9th grade Latin class.  We will be exploring new opportunities to translate and enjoy learning together.  This class is different than other Latin courses.  We will often work as a group to complete translations (both Latin to English, and English to Latin).  My hope is that a cooperative learning environment will create cohesiveness among us all, allow us opportunities to learn and teach, and stimulate a new environment that breeds communication, exhortation, collaboration, and participation.


Materials: The students are expected to bring the following items to class each day:

Ø  Latin: Latin notebook, textbook (when assigned), notebook paper, pencil with eraser (necessary for Latin/no pens on daily Latin work, quizzes, or tests), blue/red ink pen (for corrections only), a high level of concentration, and a GREAT attitude.

Ø  Other materials will be assigned as we proceed with the course.




Participation – 20%

Tests – 20%

Quizzes – 10%

Translation – 30%

Project – 20%


Homework: Much of the coursework (especially translation) will be accomplished in class.  However, there is the constant need for the study of vocabulary, and the occasional homework exercise. The majority of homework will be preparation of various projects that will be presented in class.  You may be assigned one to two projects per quarter.


Discipline:  Discipline will follow the guidelines stated in the handbook.


Preparation: Each student is created in the likeness and the image of God, thus they are a priceless treasure.  Students and teachers affect the learning environment.  Knowing this, I will come prepared to class daily, anxious to see every student.  If at any time, you see ways that I may improve in this, feel free to speak with me.  As a teacher, I am still learning, and seek to be a lifelong learner. Continually pray that we may glorify God in all that we do during the school year


I encourage you to seek the Lord in all things.  I am constantly reminded of Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”  It is by His strength, wisdom, and power that I am here. May every action and word bring God glory.


Please read the following information, sign below, and return it to me.  All classroom rules and procedures are in place to create a safe and productive learning environment.  It is up to all of us to make it an environment that is honoring to God, and brings Him glory.

 Teacher & Student Expectations
“Jesus replied, ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’”  Matthew 22:37-40 
 Classroom Procedures
  1. Enter the classroom prepared and ready to learn.  Have all of your supplies ready for the day.  Use the restroom facilities before class begins (leaving the classroom is a distraction, and results in the student missing information). 
  2. On days which a test or quiz is given, bring something to work on after the assessment such as homework, flashcards, or a book to read.  No one will be allowed to leave the room while others are testing or taking a quiz.
  3. In case of an emergency (fire drill/tornado) we will proceed with the emergency procedures.  Please move without speaking to the assigned area.  Role will be taken once we have reached that location, so stay with the class.
  4. My pet peeve – DO NOT throw trash away as if you are playing basketball during class.  Trash needs to be walked over to the trash can and disposed of properly.  Tossing it is a distraction to the class.
  5. Snacks and drinks need to be consumed before class starts.  Water and other clear liquids may be consumed during class, but must be in a closed container such as a bottle or cup that can be closed.  Eating during class is not allowed due to cleanliness of the room, and ability to engage in conversation immediately when called upon.
  6. You are allowed one mental health day per quarter.  This is a day in which you are exempt from working in the group on that day.  You will still be responsible for writing out the translation or work assigned, but may sit quietly so as to rest your weary self.  These days may not be taken on test/quiz days or a day when a project is due.

By signing below, you are simply stating that you have read and understand the above information.

Student Signature: __________________________________